The room I had been in staying in had a serious damp issue, and as a result I have developed a cold. This morning, my cold was sounding a lot worse, so I decided to check out the Tibetan Dr on my way to meet a friend. I walked in, and saw him immediately, and was given medicine within minutes, which all came to less than £1 – that is the consultation and medicine! The tablets look like bokdrols (sheep poop for the non-South Africans), and they taste disgusting! And yes, I am moving to a different part of town, hopefully to a room without damp...
After the Dr I went to Norbulinka which is a Tibetan Bhuddist Temple and study institution, and afterwards we went to the Karmapa’s temple, where we were fortunate enough to hear teachings by the Karmapa. Luckily I was there with a Tibetan woman, who was able to tell me afterwards the just of what he was saying – to not engage in negative thinking as it can cause one to feel depressed, and some other stuff, which I can’t quite remember... He gives teachings every Wednesday and Saturday, so I will hopefully get another chance to hear him before I go.
From tomorrow I am volunteering in the Rogpa shop, which is a little shop that raises money for a day care centre, so that parents can take their babies there for free so that they can work. I have also put my name forward for looking after the children, but they did not have any vacancies. What interests me is how easy it is to get volunteer work here – no 2 month wait for a CRB check...
love the photos..looks soo beautiful there!